Baby Dayz

Monday, April 24, 2006

The Baby is Bigger

Hello All,
Well, we just finished with another ultrasound and confirmed that we are only having 1 baby. No baby hiding behind another or hidden in other parts of the uterus. Just one beautiful baby. This appointment went a little quicker than the last one. The doctor performing the ultrasound is named Marion Columbo. She was very patient and thorough. She made sure that we understood that everything that was going on these last 2 months is normal.

It was funny, Lisa was telling me just before the appointment that she was really tired and she didn't know why. She would start on a project (project meaning vacuuming, cleaning, etc...Hey, I don't force her to do it) and would have to stop and take a nap. I tell her to take as many naps as she wants. She is the one that is having a baby (or so Aunt Kim tells me. I was informed that I can not say that "we" are having a baby).

Anyway, we get into the ultrasound room and Dr. Columbo immediately tell Lisa that feeling tired and sluggish these last 2 months is normal. She said the the baby is pretty much draining all of her energy just trying to grow. She also said that it should last up to 3 months so, in the next month if you see Lisa, tell her it's okay to rest and even sleep. She is so used to being on the go and moving all of the time that she is lost when she isn't doing something. I know if people forced me to sleep that I would jump at the chance (subliminal message).

The baby is so much bigger than the first ultrasound that we took just 2 weeks ago (Children,...They grow up so fast). The doctor says that the baby is now at 21 millimeters which is almost 1 inch (25mm=1 inch). We were able to see a very strong heartbeat and I think it's a boy!! (or is that the umbilical cord?!).

Lisa and I are so pleased with how this is progressing and with just a few bouts of nausea, all is well health-wise. Our next appointment is for another ultrasound on May 8th and then we go to our first pre-natal appointment on the 10th. This is a great experience and I highly recommend it to all (who are of legal age and married, of course). We love you all and will be back soon.

Love and God bless,


Saturday, April 15, 2006

"ONE" healthy baby!!!

Hello all,
What a crazy day but, it finally happened. We got our first picture of our baby.

Both Lisa and I had to work that day so I decided to take BART to work and meet up with her at the Fremont BART station. At my work we had an in-service day. The meeting was supposed to start at 1:00pm but it actually didn't start until 2:15pm. Upset isn't the word!!! I had to leave at 3:00pm because our appointment was at 4:30pm.

When I finally made it to the station I drove, I guess Mario Andretti-like would be a good way to say it, to Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara (I think Lisa closed her eyes for most of the trip). We showed up with little time to spare (none is more like it). We went in and did the weight and blood pressure stuff. Lisa was right on target. We go into the "womb room" and the nurse asks Lisa to get ready.

I think that Lisa's doctor doesn't like me. I guess it all started at one of our first visits to the clinic. I was in the doctors room with Lisa and the doctor came in. She had to leave and get something. Lisa and I were talking about blood types and I asked her what hers was. She said that she didn't know. Then, I noticed that Lisa's file was on the table so, being the nosy person that I am, I opened it to look for her blood type. Dr. Eways came in and grabbed the file out of my hand. I said "It's not illegal to see her file, is it?". She, very firmly, informed me that it was definitely illegal and that she could get in big trouble. Since then, she hasn't treated me the same. Tisha, If your reading this you can stop shaking your head.

Okay, back to the story at hand. The doctor came in and quickly prepared everything and before you know it she is pointing out one sack with one tiny embryo (there is an arrow pointing to our baby. I think it looks like a peanut). She then told us that there was only one so, Delia, start saving for YOUR triplets (hehe). All of a sudden the doctor said "look" and pointed to this small blip in the middle of this "peanut". We actually saw the heartbeat of our little bundle of joy. This was the most amazing moment in my life. It is right up there with our wedding day. I then asked the doctor if it was a boy or a girl. She gave me a "look" (hence the "the doctor hates me" paragraph) and continued to tell us what we need to do next.

Happy days, we stop the shots on April 18th. I don't know who is happier, Lisa or me (I think Lisa wins this vote). We are going to do another ultrasound or sonogram (found out they are the same) on April 24th. I hope we can get another picture to share with y'all. Until then, we are trying to keep warm and dry. I hope and pray that you do the same.

Love and God bless,


I am sorry this is so late in getting to you. I had problems with the internet. But all is well.