Baby Dayz

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a great and filling Holiday. Dylan and I were, what Dylan calls "Pampered Cheffing". We started with the turkey's. We opened the plastic bags that the turkeys were in and Dylan helped take out the turkey neck and gizzards. Dylan promptly said "Eeeewwww". He helped me rub the butter all over it ( I told him it was lotion for the turkey) and put the seasonings on top. He even helped me put it in the oven

He worked very hard all morning so when it was time to take a break he put his head down and crashed! He woke up when Sophia and Daniel came over and that is when I lost my little helper to the jumpy house.

He is growing by leaps and bounds. He is speaking clear enough to understand most everything he says. He has a tendency to say "What?" after everything we ask him. Kinda getting annoying but I am sure he'll grow out of it ;)

He does, however, say "Please" and "Thank You" when appropriate and is generally a well behaved child. He is now wearing 3T/4T clothing and size 9/10 shoes (Oh, is it Christmas time already?)

Funny story, when he says his prayers he lists all of his friends and family. Some nights he is too tired to recite all the names so I ablige. After I finish he then wants to recite all of them by himself (do you think he's playing me? Nah!).

One night Lisa had the opportunity to recite the list of names. When she was done Dylan blurted out "No! No! My peoples, My peoples!". Quite gangsta if you ask me.

As I am writing this ( It is about 11:00pm) Dylan has been getting up for things like needing to brush his teeth, wanting some milk (He calls it "juice"), and just recently he came in and proclaimed that his big toenail needed cutting. Got to admit, the boy is creative. He will eventually go to sleep, so no worries.

These are some pictures with his sisters. I thought you might like them. I have a busy day tomorrow. It is time to dress up the house for Christmas. I actually like doing this. Have a wonderful day and...

Talk to you soon


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