Baby Dayz

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hello All,

I am sending a quick and overdue picture of Dylan @halloween. This is a character from a Christian cartoon called "Veggie Tales". He is Larry Boy and yes, those are real plungers for his ears. The costume was designed by a team of artists (Lisa and Kristi) with help from their crew. This costume won 2nd Place in the Patterson city costume competition. He still wears it around the house crying "I am that HERO!!!

Sometimes we will find him suctioned to the fish tank! He will also try and suction himself to whatever or whoever is around.

Speaking of Larry Boy, we are in search of a "Larry Mobile" toy. Dylan has been asking, okay pleading for this toy. If anyone sees it in any store (they are mostly in Christian bookstores) please call us so we can pick it up.

Cute thing,this morning he jumped into our bed and was wiggling his fingers over us. We asked what he was doing. He said that it was raining on us and we needed an umbrella. Very funny :) Okay, enough writing, time to put up Christmas stuff.

God Bless

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a great and filling Holiday. Dylan and I were, what Dylan calls "Pampered Cheffing". We started with the turkey's. We opened the plastic bags that the turkeys were in and Dylan helped take out the turkey neck and gizzards. Dylan promptly said "Eeeewwww". He helped me rub the butter all over it ( I told him it was lotion for the turkey) and put the seasonings on top. He even helped me put it in the oven

He worked very hard all morning so when it was time to take a break he put his head down and crashed! He woke up when Sophia and Daniel came over and that is when I lost my little helper to the jumpy house.

He is growing by leaps and bounds. He is speaking clear enough to understand most everything he says. He has a tendency to say "What?" after everything we ask him. Kinda getting annoying but I am sure he'll grow out of it ;)

He does, however, say "Please" and "Thank You" when appropriate and is generally a well behaved child. He is now wearing 3T/4T clothing and size 9/10 shoes (Oh, is it Christmas time already?)

Funny story, when he says his prayers he lists all of his friends and family. Some nights he is too tired to recite all the names so I ablige. After I finish he then wants to recite all of them by himself (do you think he's playing me? Nah!).

One night Lisa had the opportunity to recite the list of names. When she was done Dylan blurted out "No! No! My peoples, My peoples!". Quite gangsta if you ask me.

As I am writing this ( It is about 11:00pm) Dylan has been getting up for things like needing to brush his teeth, wanting some milk (He calls it "juice"), and just recently he came in and proclaimed that his big toenail needed cutting. Got to admit, the boy is creative. He will eventually go to sleep, so no worries.

These are some pictures with his sisters. I thought you might like them. I have a busy day tomorrow. It is time to dress up the house for Christmas. I actually like doing this. Have a wonderful day and...

Talk to you soon

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's been a while

Hello All,
It has been over two years since I have written anything about my beautiful boy. He is now three and is very tall. He is blessed with his Moms lovely genes and he has my love for cooking. What can I say, I will just tell you what he is up to now and try and fill you in on previous details later.
Dylan is now able to go potty. This is a big thing in our house. He is so proud of it that he pulls us into the bathroom to admire his craftsmanship. Of course we say it is wonderful and we get a "high five" out of it. This has been just a month ago. Prior to that he was not a happy camper when it came to potty training.
What really set us back was his bout of incontinence (no poop). he wasn't able to go for three days so we took him to the doctor. After literally yanking out all the stuff (sorry for the graphic detail), he finally could sleep, but he did not want to go potty for another three days. He finally went and said "It didn't hurt", and continued from then on.
Okay, on to happier topics. It is his birthday party today. Many friends and family showed up. Right now Dylan is into " Larry Boy" a Veggie Tales cartoon character. he was even Larry Boy for Halloween (I will try and add that picture next time). We had a jumpy house and "pin the tooth on Larry". We also had a pinata that weighed 2 tons. I couldn't even pull it high enough to get 3' off the ground. David ended up doing a fantastic job.
Dylan's best friends right now are Danielito who is Dan and Esme Sinclairs boy and Diego who is the son of Patty Gallardo. Dylan loves trucks and cars but mostly he loves trains and airplanes. I can't wait to see the career he chooses. Either way we get a great discount on travel (always thinking of the perks).
His favorite food has got to be chocolate (he gets that from Sammie). He will ask for it every day and eat it every day if we give it to him. I remember one time I was putting him to bed and he waved for me to come closer and said "Daddy, Daddy". I got close to him and said "Yes?". he said just one word "Cake" with a smile on his face. I said that we needed to start praying so he could go to sleep and he waved me close again and said with a long drawn out tone"Ice cream". As I was chuckling to myself he grabbed my face, pulled it close and with sincere longing he said "Chocolate". We prayed, I gave him a big hug, kissed him good night and left thinking of the wonderful dreams he will be having that night.
As I said in the beginning, Dylan is tall. People think he is at least 4 if not 5 years old. He is definitely going to be a towering figure when he is older. Although he looks older, He still loves his blanky (which he calls "lanky")and Puppy. They go with him wherever he goes. Whenever he gets scared or is being reprimanded he asks for his blanket. We should call him Linus.
He also sucks on his lower lip. He never took a pacifier or sucked his thumb or finger but, when he is tired or just relaxing, his lower lip gets sucked in.
I am writing all of this down for when Dylan is old enough to read and can see what his habits were when he was little. I hope you don't mind. I will be adding more stories as he does things. For now I will have to say goodnight. I am in the middle of working doubles at CCA and need to get up early. My hope is that this blog will continue daily if not weekly to provide a great memory trail for Dylan to go down. I am happy all of you are taking the trip with him and me.
Talk soon,
